The Magical Flute
By Cashel K., Age 9
One day Bob was playing a flute outside his house when a cat came. Then he realized that when he played the flute, animals followed him. He played it every day because his dream pet was a cute tiger. Luckily one day he saw a baby tiger which was very beautiful. Bob took it inside his house, then afforded a cage to put the tiger in.
One day after Bob sadly looked outside his window, he went downstairs to check on the tiger. When he went inside the cage, he noticed the handsome tiger has grown bigger. A few years later, the tiger was ready to live by itself because it knew all of the skills a capable tiger needed to know. But the tiger didn’t want to leave Bob. After a few weeks passed, Bob was thinking of a way to get the tiger in the wild. Then he got an idea which was to play the flute to get the tiger out. However, when Bob played the flute, it did not affect the tiger this time.
Bob decided to practice the flute, which paid off. A few weeks later, the music finally affected the gigantic tiger and it followed him into the woods. Then he tried to run away but the tiger was too fast. Eventually, Bob gave up because he was exhausted. Bob took the tiger home. Since then, they have lived happily ever after.